​Figure ​Name​ ​Excel ​PDF
​​Figure ​1.1​ ​Tel Aviv 100/125 Index, and Bank Shares Indices in Israel, Europe and the US xlsx ​​pdf
Figur​e 1.2​
Market Value to Book Value (MV/BV), Israel compared to the US and Europe
xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.3​
Return on Equity (ROE) After Tax
xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.4​
Income from Interest on Credit to the Public, Interest Expenses on the 
Public's Deposits, and the Interest Rate Spread
xlsx pdf
Figure 1.5​ Net Interest Margin and the Bank of Israel Interest Rate xlsx pdf
Figure 1.6​ ​Fees Income as a Share of Assets between 2009 and 2017, and Estimates With and Without the Separated Credit Card Companies for 2017 and 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.7​ ​Efficiency Ratio in the Banking System xlsx pdf
Figure 1.8​ ​Development of Income and Operating and Other Expenses, and Development of Operating and Other Expenses Minus the Effect of Provisions in Respect of Investigations by the US Authorities​ xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.9​ ​Average Wage per Employee Post in Various Industries and Wage Expenses per Position in the Five Banking Groups xlsx pdf
Figure 1.10​ ​Average Number of Employee Posts, and Number of Branches, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
Figure 1.1​1 ​Rate of Change in the Number of Bank Branches, Israel, EU and US xlsx pdf
Figure 1.12​ ​Households' Transactions Through Direct Channels Compared with Transactions at Branches, as a Share of Total Transactions xlsx pdf
Figure 1.13​ ​Rate of Small Business Transactions Through Direct Channels and at the Branches xlsx pdf
Figure 1.14​ ​Satisfaction with Banking Services in the Different Channels, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
Figure 1.15​ Risks that are Worrisome to the Banking System xlsx pdf
Figure 1.16​ ​The Banking System's Response to an Increase in Cyber Risk and Technological Risk​ xlsx​ pdf
Figure 1.17​ Significant Factors Affecting Business Model Risk in the Banking System xlsx pdf
Figure 1.1​8 ​Measures Required to Reduce Business Model Risk xlsx pdf
Figure 1.19​ ​Annual Change in Outstanding Balance-Sheet Credit to Principal Sectors xlsx pdf
Figure 1.20​ ​The Ratio of Households' Nonhousing Debt to GDP, International Comparison xlsx pdf​
​Figure 1.21 ​The Ratio of Households' Housing Debt to GDP, International Comparison xlsx pdf
Figure 1.22 ​The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) in Israel and EU Countries xlsx pdf
Figure 1.23​ ​Development of Credit in the Various Activity Segments xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.24 ​Ratio of Business Credit to GDP xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.25​ ​Ratio of Business Credit to GDP, International Comparison xlsx pdf
Figure 1.26​ ​The Average Interest Rate on Credit Issued to the Public in the Various Activity Segments xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.27 ​The Average Cost (Operating Costs at the Average Balance of Assets and Liabilities) in the Various Activity Segments xlsx pdf
Figure 1.28​ ​Loan Loss Provisions on Credit in the Various Activity Segments xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.29 ​Loan Loss Provisions as a Share of Total Balance-Sheet Credit to the Industry xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.30 ​Total Credit Risk Balance of the 100 Largest Borrowers as a Share of Total Credit Risk Balance xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.31 ​Monthly Average of New Housing Loans Granted, Total Banking System, and Index of Home Prices xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.32 ​Interest Rates on Housing Loans by Interest Rate and Indexation Tracks Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.33 ​Distribution of New Mortgages by LTV Ratio, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.34 ​Outstanding Housing Loan Debt More than 90 Days in Arrears as a Share of Total Outstanding Housing Loans, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.35 ​Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.36 ​Liquidity Coverage Ratio (Total Activity), Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.37 ​High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) and Net Outflow, Total Banking System xlsx pdf​​
​Figure 1.38 ​Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratios xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.39 ​Composition of Credit Risk by Main Category xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.40 ​Dividend Distribution as a Share of Total Net Profit xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.41 ​The Total Securities Portfolio of the Israeli Banking System—Size and Composition xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.1.1 ​Macroeconomic Data: Historical and According to the Scenarios xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.1.2 ​Development of Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.1.3 ​Development of Return on Equity According to the Banking Supervision Department's Stress Scenario, Total System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.1.4 ​25 Largest Borrowers in the Banking System as a Share of Total Capital xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.1.5 ​Loan-Loss Provisions Expected During Course of the Stress Scenario Selected Industries, Total System xlsx pdf​
​Figure 1.2.1 ​Housing Credit as a Share of the Credit Portfolio and Housing Loans with a PTI of More than 40% as a Share of Total Housing Loans xlsx​ pdf
​Figure 1.2.2 ​The Ratio of Housing Debt to GDP in Israel and Other OECD Countries xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.2.3 ​Distribution of the Number and Volume of New Loans by Income Quintiles Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.2.4  ​Number of Income Months Required for a Household to Purchase a Dwelling, by Income Quintile, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.2.5 ​PTI and its Increase Due to an Interest Rate Increase in the Stress Scenario by Income Quintile, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.2.6 Percentage of Loans with a PTI Above 35%, and its Increase Due to an Interest Rate Increase in the Stress Scenario, by Income Quintile, Total Banking System​ xlsx pdf
​Figure 1.2.7 ​Monthly Repayment, and its Increase Due to an Interest Rate Increase in the Stress Scenario, by Income Quintile, Total Banking System xlsx pdf​​
​Figure 1.4.1 ​Credit Loss Allowance as a Share of Total Credit, All US Banks xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.1 ​Distribution of Credit to the Public between the Large and Midsized Banks xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.2 ​Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.3 ​Distribution of Household Debt (Nonhousing), by Sources xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.4 ​Development of Credit Card Companies' Merchant Fees by Size of Business xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.1.1 ​Distribution of customers switching current account, by number of other products they begin to use at the new bank in the account-opening period, total banking system​ xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.1.2 ​Distribution of Current Account Holders by Number of Banks at Which They Consume Banking Products, Total Banking System xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.3.1 ​From Whom will Customers Get Financial Services in the Future xlsx pdf
​Figure 2.5.1 ​The Process of Gathering Information and Sending it to Credit Providers xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.1.1 ​Breakdown of Class-Action Suits by Issue xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.3.1 ​Summary of Banking Supervision Department Requirements: The "Do's" and "Don'ts" of Proactive Marketing of Consumer Credit xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.1 ​Number of Enquiries for which Handling was Completed by the Banking Supervision Department xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.2 ​Distribution of Complaints for which Handling was Completed, by Issue xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.3 ​Number of Restricted Customers During 2018 xlsx​ pdf
​Figure 3.4 ​Number of New Restricted Customers During 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.5 ​Number of Restricted Accounts During 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.6 ​Enquiries to the Unit by Channel, 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.7 ​Distribution of Website Visitors by Age, 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.8 ​Distribution of Website Visitors by Gender, 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.9 ​Distribution of Website Visitors by Previous Visits to the Site, 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure 3.10 ​Distribution of Website Visitors by Type of Device Used to Visit the Site, 2018 xlsx pdf
​Figure ​3.11 ​Number of Website Users Per Month, 2018​ xlsx​​​ pdf​