Update to the Format of Publishing the Interest Rate Offered on Housing Loans in the Unindexed Shekel Segment |
2361 |
01/01/2013 |
Exposure to Foreign Countries |
2360 |
02/01/2013 |
Disclosure of Deposits |
2365 |
13/01/2013 |
Liquidity Risk Management |
2363 |
16/01/2013 |
Liquidity Risk Reporting |
2364 |
16/01/2013 |
Distribution of Dividends by Banking Corporations |
2362 |
15/01/2013 |
Data for Calculating Effective Cost in the Unindexed Shekel Segment (monthly) |
2366 |
27/01/2013 |
Total Credit Risk Distribution Report by Principle Industries (quarterly) |
2367 |
27/01/2013 |
Transitional Directive for 2012 |
2368 |
06/02/2013 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2369 |
12/02/2013 |
Conducting an Audit and Survey in Accordance with Certain Standards Set Out in the US |
2370 |
17/02/2013 |
רואה החשבון המבקר |
Profit and Loss |
2371 |
26/02/2013 |
Accumulated Profit and Loss – Quarterly |
2373 |
20/03/2013 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2374 |
21/04/2013 |
Disclosure of Credit Risk in the Quarterly Report |
2372 |
24/04/2013 |
Proper Evaluation of Credit Risks and Proper Measurement of Debts |
2375 |
30/04/2013 |
Arrears and Warning Before Initiating Proceedings |
2376 |
06/05/2013 |
Interest Rate Risk Management |
2377 |
30/05/2013 |
Market Risk Management |
2378 |
30/05/2013 |
Debt Limitations on Borrowers and Groups of Borrowers |
2384 |
30/05/2013 |
Additional Doubtful Debt Provision |
2385 |
30/05/2013 |
The Standard Approach – Risk Management |
2379 |
30/05/2013 |
The Internal Ratings-Based Approach to Credit Risk |
2380 |
30/05/2013 |
Securitization |
2381 |
30/05/2013 |
Market Risk |
2382 |
30/05/2013 |
Basel III – Proper Valuation of Capital Adequacy |
2383 |
30/05/2013 |
Capital adequacy and measurement—regulatory capital |
2386 |
30/05/2013 |
Measurement and Capital Adequacy – Introduction, Applicability and Calculation of Requirements |
2387 |
30/05/2013 |
Integrating Supervisor of Banks Letters Into Reporting to the Public Directives |
2388 |
20/06/2013 |
שיפור השימושיות של הדוחות הכספיים |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2389 |
21/07/2013 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2393 |
30/07/2013 |
Collateral Database |
2391 |
05/08/2013 |
Control or Substantial Non-Controlling Interest in Non-Bank Financial Corporations |
2392 |
05/08/2013 |
Providing Information Through Electronic Means |
2395 |
05/08/2013 |
Basel’s Disclosure Requirements Concerning Composition of Capital |
2390 |
29/08/2013 |
Reductions or Additions to Interest Rates |
2398 |
11/09/2013 |
Bringing Forward the Dates for Publishing Reports to the Public |
2397 |
28/09/2013 |
Assets and Liabilities According to Indexing Base and According to Time-to-Maturity |
2399 |
29/09/2013 |
Reporting on Amounts Reclassified Outside of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Profit |
2400 |
29/09/2013 |
Update to Transitional Directives Regarding the Measurement of Interest Income |
2401 |
17/10/2013 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2402 |
13/11/2013 |
Compensation Policy at Banking Corporations |
2403 |
19/11/2013 |
Temporary Order – Implementation of Disclosure Requirements According to Layer 3 of Basel – Disclosure Regarding Compensation |
2404 |
26/11/2013 |
זכויות עובדים |
Board of Directors |
2405 |
25/12/2013 |
Interest rate reduction or increase |
2394 |
01/05/2014 |
Fees for Banking Services |
2406 |
05/01/2014 |
Report on Credit Cards |
2407 |
08/01/2014 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2411 |
21/01/2014 |
Form of General Conditions for Managing Accounts |
2396 |
26/01/2014 |
Conducting an Audit and Review in Accordance with Certain Standards Set in the United States |
2410 |
28/01/2014 |
Transition Directive for 2013 |
2408 |
02/02/2014 |
Update of Disclosure of Credit Quality of Debts and Credit Loss Provision in Credit Cards Companies |
2409 |
10/02/2014 |
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives |
2413 |
23/02/2014 |
Report on Information on the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Senior Staff and the Accountant |
2412 |
23/02/2014 |
Report on Foreign Representative Offices |
2414 |
09/03/2014 |
Disclosure of the Cost of Services in Securities |
2415 |
03/04/2014 |
Adoption of the Accounting Rule Regarding Employee Rights in the United States |
2416 |
09/04/2014 |
זכויות עובדים |
Reports of the Accountant Auditor |
2418 |
09/04/2014 |
Credit Risk by Industry |
2419 |
09/04/2014 |
Report on the Distribution of Total Credit Risk by Industry (Quarterly) |
2420 |
09/04/2014 |
Third Party Guarantees Toward a Banking Corporation |
2417 |
30/04/2014 |
Opening and managing a current account |
2423 |
26/05/2014 |
Business continuity management |
2422 |
26/05/2014 |
Non-banking benefits to customers |
2424 |
09/07/2014 |
A banking corporation’s business with related parties |
2425 |
10/07/2014 |
Limitations in issuing housing loans |
2426 |
15/07/2014 |
Opening of Bank Accounts via the Internet |
2427 |
15/07/2014 |
Debits by Authorization |
2428 |
01/09/2014 |
Limitations On Issuing Housing Loans |
2430 |
28/09/2014 |
Liquidity coverage ratio |
2431 |
28/09/2014 |
Liquidity Risk Management |
2432 |
28/09/2014 |
Handling public complaints |
2434 |
29/09/2014 |
Annual Reports to Customers of the Banking Corporations |
2440 |
23/11/2014 |
Credit risk management |
2441 |
23/11/2014 |
Transfer of activity and closing account of a customer |
2443 |
21/12/2014 |
Types of accounts and conditions under which the customer’s signature on an |
2449 |
06/01/2015 |
חשבונות בנק |
Telephone instructions |
2450 |
06/01/2015 |
Regulatory Capital—Transitional Provisions |
2451 |
15/01/2015 |
Group allowance in respect of credit to individuals |
2453 |
19/01/2015 |
Reporting to banking Supervision |
2454 |
19/01/2015 |
Limitations On Issuing Housing Loans |
2455 |
25/01/2015 |
Cyber Defense Management |
2457 |
16/03/2015 |
Directives Regarding Credit Risk |
2461 |
28/04/2015 |
Compliance and the Compliance Function at a Banking Corporation |
2459 |
03/06/2015 |
ציות ופונקציית הציות בתאגיד בנקאי |
Limitation on the Indebtendness of a Borrower and of a group of Borrowers |
2466 |
09/06/2015 |
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer |
2467 |
09/06/2015 |
The Tracks Service |
2474 |
30/06/2015 |
Issue: 1. Board of Directors 2. Internal Audit Function |
2476 |
29/06/2015 |
Payment Cards |
2470 |
29/06/2015 |
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation |
2484 |
13/08/2015 |
Capital requirements for exposures to central counterparties |
2485 |
21/10/2015 |
Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account |
2491 |
01/02/2016 |
Limitations on issuing of housing loans |
2499 |
01/05/2016 |
Non-banking benefits to customers (403) |
2503 |
11/07/2016 |
Early repayment of non-housing loans (454) |
2504 |
11/07/2016 |
E-Banking |
2507 |
21/07/2016 |
Sending notices via means of communication (420) |
2508 |
25/07/2016 |
Locating Dormant Deposits and Deceased Persons’ Accounts Project |
2510 |
12/09/2016 |
Remuneration policy in a banking corporation |
2514 |
28/09/2016 |
Banking Corporation Business with Related Parties |
2516 |
25/09/2016 |
Fraud and embezzlement of employees and officeholders |
2517 |
28/09/2016 |
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer Identification |
2505 |
29/10/2016 |
Limitations on the issuing of housing loans |
2518 |
29/10/2016 |
Conducting audit and review in accordance with certain standards set in the US |
2512 |
12/10/2016 |
רואה החשבון המבקר |
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer Identification |
2519 |
23/11/2016 |
Closure of Bank Branches and Downsizing of Teller Services (400) |
2522 |
09/01/2017 |
Debt Collection Proceedings |
2527 |
01/02/2017 |
E-Banking |
2529 |
06/03/2017 |
ניהול וניהול תיקים |
Opening Days of Banking Corporations’ Offices |
2530 |
06/03/2017 |
Management of Anti-money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks |
2531 |
06/03/2017 |
Business continuity management |
2532 |
09/04/2017 |
Cloud Computing |
2536 |
05/07/2017 |
Board of Directors |
2535 |
05/07/2017 |
Credit Risk Management |
2533 |
10/07/2017 |
Industry indebtedness limitation |
2534 |
10/07/2017 |
Mortgage consultants |
2538 |
13/09/2017 |
Use of Information According to the Checks Without Cover Law, and Response to Enquiries regarding Special Restriction |
2539 |
24/09/2017 |
Management of Credit Risk Derived from Trading Activity of Customers in Derivatives and Securities |
2544 |
22/10/2017 |
Limitations on Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers |
2543 |
21/10/2017 |
Credit Risk Management |
2542 |
21/10/2017 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk |
2541 |
21/10/2017 |
Approval in principle and maintaining the interest rate |
2540 |
16/11/2017 |
Limitations on provision of housing loans |
2546 |
17/12/2017 |
E-Banking |
2547 |
25/12/2017 |
Debt Collection Proceedings |
2549 |
01/01/2018 |
Payment Cards |
2552 |
01/11/2018 |
Sending Notices via Means of Communication |
2550 |
11/01/2018 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Regulatory Capital |
2555 |
26/02/2018 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk |
2556 |
15/03/2018 |
E-Banking |
2557 |
22/03/2018 |
גילוי ללקוח |
Limitations on Issuing Housing Loans |
2559 |
16/04/2018 |
Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management |
2560 |
24/04/2018 |
Supervision of Overseas Branches |
2561 |
24/04/2018 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk |
2563 |
02/07/2018 |
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
2564 |
02/07/2018 |
Payment Cards |
2565 |
02/07/2018 |
Simplification of Customer Agreements |
2566 |
10/07/2018 |
Limitations on Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers |
2567 |
01/08/2018 |
E-Banking |
2570 |
03/10/2018 |
ניהול וניהול תיקים |
Outsourcing |
2571 |
07/10/2018 |
E-Banking |
2578 |
13/11/2018 |
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation |
2580 |
13/11/2018 |
The Board of Directors |
2581 |
13/11/2018 |
מינוי נושא משרה |
Capital adequacy and measurement—the standardized approach—credit risk, limitations on indebtedness of a borrower and group of borrowers |
2577 |
13/11/2018 |
Cloud Computing |
2579 |
13/11/2018 |
Payment Cards |
2572 |
13/11/2018 |
Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account |
2576 |
13/11/2018 |
Opening and Managing a Current Account with no Credit Facility |
2575 |
13/11/2018 |
Procedures for Extending Housing Loans |
2569 |
13/11/2018 |
Merchant acquirers and acquiring payment card transactions |
2583 |
23/12/2018 |
Share Buyback by Banking Corporations |
2586 |
28/02/2019 |
E-Banking |
2588 |
07/05/2019 |
Control over Issuing of Guarantees by a Banking Corporation |
2589 |
07/05/2019 |
Provision of a Professional Human Response |
2573 |
06/12/2019 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Market Risk |
2590 |
20/06/2019 |
Credit risk management |
2594 |
29/10/2019 |
Limitations on indebtedness of a borrower and of a group of borrowers |
2595 |
29/10/2019 |
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—The Standardized Approach |
2596 |
03/12/2019 |
Switching Banks Online (16/12/19) |
2597 |
16/12/2019 |
Supervision of Branches Abroad and Compliance and the Compliance Function at a Banking Corporation |
2598 |
23/12/2019 |
E-Banking |
2599 |
29/12/2019 |
Industry Indebtedness Limitation |
2600 |
12/01/2020 |
Semiannual Report on Exposure to Compliance Risk |
2602 |
01/01/2020 |
: Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Introduction, Scope of Application, and Calculation of Capital Requirements and Leverage Ratio |
2607 |
01/03/2020 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives that Apply to a New Banking Corporation |
2608 |
08/03/2020 |
בנקים חדשים |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks |
2610 |
12/03/2020 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2611 |
18/03/2020 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2612 |
31/03/2020 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2614 |
01/04/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2615 |
07/04/2020 |
Outsourcing |
2616 |
07/04/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2618 |
27/04/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2619 |
05/05/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2621 |
01/06/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2622 |
30/06/2020 |
Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account |
2623 |
23/06/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2625 |
16/09/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2626 |
22/09/2020 |
Update of Directives |
2628 |
28/09/2020 |
Debt collection proceedings |
2627 |
13/08/2023 |
Management of AML/CFT Risk |
2629 |
04/10/2020 |
Dormant Deposits and Deceased Persons’ Accounts |
2632 |
30/09/2021 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) |
2633 |
15/11/2020 |
Limitations on Issuing Housing Loans |
2647 |
27/12/2020 |
Reporting of Technological Failures and Cyber Events (E) |
2643 |
29/12/2020 |
סיכוני טכנולוגיית המידע, אבטחת מידע והגנת סייבר |
E-Banking |
2645 |
30/12/2020 |
סיכוני טכנולוגיית המידע, אבטחת מידע והגנת סייבר |
Management of Credit Facilities in Current Accounts (E) |
2636 |
30/12/2020 |
Banking Services for New Immigrants (E) |
2637 |
30/12/2020 |
Provision of a professional human telephone response (E) |
2638 |
30/12/2020 |
: Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account (E) |
2639 |
30/12/2020 |
Debits by Authorization (E) |
2640 |
30/12/2020 |
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2648 |
10/01/2021 |
Industry Indebtedness Limitation |
2649 |
10/01/2021 |
Consumer Credit Management |
2652 |
02/02/2021 |
Expected Credit Losses from Financial Instruments (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives 202, 203, 314, 329) |
2650 |
02/02/2021 |
Sending Notices via Means of Communication |
2653 |
25/02/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2657 |
22/03/2021 |
Implementation of an Open Banking Standard in Israel |
2658 |
05/04/2021 |
Sending Notices via Means of Communications (Proper Conduct of Banking Business No. 420) |
2659 |
06/06/2021 |
Pledging assets of a banking corporation (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 336) (E) |
2661 |
15/06/2021 |
Net Stable Funding Ratio |
2662 |
21/06/2021 |
Outsourcing |
2660 |
21/06/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2665 |
20/07/2021 |
E-Banking |
2667 |
25/07/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2666 |
26/07/2021 |
Switching Banks Online (17/08/21) |
2670 |
17/08/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2675 |
30/09/2021 |
Transitioning from the LIBOR Rate |
2673 |
03/10/2021 |
Credit Risk Management |
2672 |
30/09/2021 |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 411) (E) |
2677 |
24/10/2021 |
Reporting of Technological Failures and Cyber Incidents (E) |
2680 |
24/11/2021 |
סיכוני טכנולוגיית המידע, אבטחת מידע והגנת סייבר |
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation (E) |
2682 |
12/12/2021 |
Oversight of the work of the external auditor |
2681 |
23/12/2021 |
Update of directives (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives no. 203, 208A) |
2683 |
26/12/2021 |
Limitations on the Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 313) (E) |
2684 |
26/12/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2690 |
27/12/2021 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2693 |
18/01/2022 |
Board of Directors |
2691 |
18/01/2022 |
Implementation of an Open Banking Standard in Israel |
2692 |
17/01/2022 |
Banking corporation busines with related parties |
2688 |
31/01/2022 |
: Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives that Apply to a New Banking Corporation |
2700 |
15/03/2022 |
Update of Directives (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives no. 203, 218, and 313) |
2701 |
08/02/2024 |
Management of AML/CFT Risks |
2706 |
09/05/2022 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) |
2708 |
15/05/2022 |
Update of Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive 203 |
2709 |
08/02/2024 |
Liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio |
2710 |
25/05/2022 |
Cloud computing |
2715 |
13/06/2022 |
סיכוני טכנולוגיית המידע, אבטחת מידע והגנת סייבר |
Sending Notices via Means of Communications (Proper Conduct of Banking Business No. 420) |
2713 |
13/06/2022 |
Wage payments to Palestinian workers via bank transfers(30/06/2022) |
2712 |
30/06/2022 |
נושאים שונים אחרים |
Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive 203 |
2722 |
15/08/2022 |
Management of AML/CFT Risks |
2723 |
19/09/2022 |
Sale of housing loans and collaborations in extending housing loans |
2724 |
06/10/2022 |
Credit Risk Management |
2728 |
31/10/2022 |
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Funding Ratio |
2727 |
30/10/2022 |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (01/12/2022) |
2729 |
01/12/2022 |
איסור הלבנת הון |
Risk Management (26/02/2023) |
2741 |
26/02/2023 |
Management of Customer Service and Support Array |
2744 |
29/03/2023 |
Opening a current account with no credit facility and managing an account |
2745 |
29/03/2023 |
חשבונות בנק |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (11/06/2023) |
2748 |
11/06/2023 |
איסור הלבנת הון |
Joint accounts—Survivorship Clause and Handling Existing Charges after a Death |
2746 |
11/06/2023 |
חשבונות בנק |
Distribution of Credit Cards of Issuers Bound to a Banking Corporation by a Distribution Agreement |
2752 |
29/06/2023 |
A Banking Corporation’s Activities as a Broker-Dealer |
2751 |
19/07/2023 |
Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 313 “Limitations on the indebtedness of a borrower and of a group of borrowers” |
2754 |
08/02/2024 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the Swords of Iron War (Temporary Directive) |
2760 |
29/10/2023 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) |
2761 |
31/10/2023 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) |
2763 |
21/11/2023 |
Regulatory Capital—The Impact of Implementing Accounting Rules Regarding Expected Credit Losses |
2635 |
01/12/2020 |
Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book |
2766 |
20/12/2023 |
Leverage Ratio |
2765 |
20/12/2023 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) |
2771 |
31/12/2023 |
Management of Workout and Collection Processes Involving Substantial Troubled Credits |
2674 |
30/09/2021 |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks |
2770 |
31/12/2023 |
Credit Risk Management |
2762 |
07/11/2023 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) |
2774 |
04/02/2024 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision): Cancellation of Directive |
2775 |
04/02/2024 |
A Banking Corporation’s Activities as a Broker-Dealer |
2776 |
09/04/2024 |
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) |
2779 |
31/03/2024 |
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks |
2784 |
17/06/2024 |
Measurement and capital adequacy—operational risk |
2785 |
19/06/2024 |
סיכון תפעולי |
Disclosure of costs of securities services |
2790 |
29/07/2024 |
Explanatory remarks to the Banking (Service to the Customer) (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 5784-2024 |
2791 |
31/07/2024 |
Transaction of business outside the banking corporation offices—Cancellation of directive |
2795 |
18/09/2024 |
Reporting of Embezzlement by Employees and Officeholders |
2793 |
19/09/2024 |
Industry indebtedness limitation |
2803 |
30/10/2024 |
סיכון אשראי |
Presentation of Activity Data in Securities Deposit |
2685 |
17/02/2025 |
Presentation of Activity Data in Securities Deposit |
2717 |
17/02/2025 |