
The translation is intended solely for the convenience of the reader. Only the Hebrew text is binding.


Title Circular number Publication date Additional information
Update to the Format of Publishing the Interest Rate Offered on Housing Loans in the Unindexed Shekel Segment 2361 01/01/2013
Exposure to Foreign Countries 2360 02/01/2013
Disclosure of Deposits 2365 13/01/2013
Liquidity Risk Management 2363 16/01/2013
Liquidity Risk Reporting 2364 16/01/2013
Distribution of Dividends by Banking Corporations 2362 15/01/2013

Data for Calculating Effective Cost in the Unindexed Shekel Segment (monthly) 2366 27/01/2013
Total Credit Risk Distribution Report by Principle Industries (quarterly) 2367 27/01/2013
Transitional Directive for 2012 2368 06/02/2013
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2369 12/02/2013
Conducting an Audit and Survey in Accordance with Certain Standards Set Out in the US 2370 17/02/2013
Profit and Loss 2371 26/02/2013
Accumulated Profit and Loss – Quarterly 2373 20/03/2013
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2374 21/04/2013
Disclosure of Credit Risk in the Quarterly Report 2372 24/04/2013
Proper Evaluation of Credit Risks and Proper Measurement of Debts 2375 30/04/2013
Arrears and Warning Before Initiating Proceedings 2376 06/05/2013
Interest Rate Risk Management 2377 30/05/2013
Market Risk Management 2378 30/05/2013
Debt Limitations on Borrowers and Groups of Borrowers 2384 30/05/2013
Additional Doubtful Debt Provision 2385 30/05/2013
The Standard Approach – Risk Management 2379 30/05/2013
The Internal Ratings-Based Approach to Credit Risk 2380 30/05/2013
Securitization 2381 30/05/2013

Market Risk 2382 30/05/2013
Basel III – Proper Valuation of Capital Adequacy 2383 30/05/2013

Capital adequacy and measurement—regulatory capital 2386 30/05/2013
Measurement and Capital Adequacy – Introduction, Applicability and Calculation of Requirements 2387 30/05/2013
Integrating Supervisor of Banks Letters Into Reporting to the Public Directives 2388 20/06/2013
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2389 21/07/2013
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2393 30/07/2013
Collateral Database 2391 05/08/2013

Control or Substantial Non-Controlling Interest in Non-Bank Financial Corporations 2392 05/08/2013
Providing Information Through Electronic Means 2395 05/08/2013
Basel’s Disclosure Requirements Concerning Composition of Capital 2390 29/08/2013
Reductions or Additions to Interest Rates 2398 11/09/2013
Bringing Forward the Dates for Publishing Reports to the Public 2397 28/09/2013
Assets and Liabilities According to Indexing Base and According to Time-to-Maturity 2399 29/09/2013
Reporting on Amounts Reclassified Outside of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Profit 2400 29/09/2013
Update to Transitional Directives Regarding the Measurement of Interest Income 2401 17/10/2013
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2402 13/11/2013
Compensation Policy at Banking Corporations 2403 19/11/2013
Temporary Order – Implementation of Disclosure Requirements According to Layer 3 of Basel – Disclosure Regarding Compensation 2404 26/11/2013
Board of Directors 2405 25/12/2013
Interest rate reduction or increase 2394 01/05/2014

Fees for Banking Services 2406 05/01/2014
Report on Credit Cards 2407 08/01/2014
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2411 21/01/2014
Form of General Conditions for Managing Accounts 2396 26/01/2014
Conducting an Audit and Review in Accordance with Certain Standards Set in the United States 2410 28/01/2014
Transition Directive for 2013 2408 02/02/2014
Update of Disclosure of Credit Quality of Debts and Credit Loss Provision in Credit Cards Companies 2409 10/02/2014
Reporting to the Banking Supervision Department Directives 2413 23/02/2014
Report on Information on the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Senior Staff and the Accountant 2412 23/02/2014
Report on Foreign Representative Offices 2414 09/03/2014
Disclosure of the Cost of Services in Securities 2415 03/04/2014
Adoption of the Accounting Rule Regarding Employee Rights in the United States 2416 09/04/2014
Reports of the Accountant Auditor 2418 09/04/2014
Credit Risk by Industry 2419 09/04/2014
Report on the Distribution of Total Credit Risk by Industry (Quarterly) 2420 09/04/2014
Third Party Guarantees Toward a Banking Corporation 2417 30/04/2014

Opening and managing a current account 2423 26/05/2014
Business continuity management 2422 26/05/2014
Non-banking benefits to customers 2424 09/07/2014
A banking corporation’s business with related parties 2425 10/07/2014
Limitations in issuing housing loans 2426 15/07/2014
Opening of Bank Accounts via the Internet 2427 15/07/2014
Debits by Authorization 2428 01/09/2014
Limitations On Issuing Housing Loans 2430 28/09/2014
Liquidity coverage ratio 2431 28/09/2014
Liquidity Risk Management 2432 28/09/2014

Handling public complaints 2434 29/09/2014
Annual Reports to Customers of the Banking Corporations 2440 23/11/2014
Credit risk management 2441 23/11/2014
Transfer of activity and closing account of a customer 2443 21/12/2014
Types of accounts and conditions under which the customer’s signature on an 2449 06/01/2015
Telephone instructions 2450 06/01/2015
Regulatory Capital—Transitional Provisions 2451 15/01/2015
Group allowance in respect of credit to individuals 2453 19/01/2015
Reporting to banking Supervision 2454 19/01/2015
Limitations On Issuing Housing Loans 2455 25/01/2015
Cyber Defense Management 2457 16/03/2015
Directives Regarding Credit Risk 2461 28/04/2015

Compliance and the Compliance Function at a Banking Corporation 2459 03/06/2015
Limitation on the Indebtendness of a Borrower and of a group of Borrowers 2466 09/06/2015
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer 2467 09/06/2015
The Tracks Service 2474 30/06/2015

Issue: 1. Board of Directors 2. Internal Audit Function 2476 29/06/2015
Payment Cards 2470 29/06/2015
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation 2484 13/08/2015
Capital requirements for exposures to central counterparties 2485 21/10/2015

Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account 2491 01/02/2016
Limitations on issuing of housing loans 2499 01/05/2016
Non-banking benefits to customers (403) 2503 11/07/2016

Early repayment of non-housing loans (454) 2504 11/07/2016

E-Banking 2507 21/07/2016
Sending notices via means of communication (420) 2508 25/07/2016
Locating Dormant Deposits and Deceased Persons’ Accounts Project 2510 12/09/2016
Remuneration policy in a banking corporation 2514 28/09/2016
Banking Corporation Business with Related Parties 2516 25/09/2016
Fraud and embezzlement of employees and officeholders 2517 28/09/2016
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer Identification 2505 29/10/2016
Limitations on the issuing of housing loans 2518 29/10/2016
Conducting audit and review in accordance with certain standards set in the US 2512 12/10/2016

Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and Customer Identification 2519 23/11/2016
Closure of Bank Branches and Downsizing of Teller Services (400) 2522 09/01/2017

Debt Collection Proceedings 2527 01/02/2017
E-Banking 2529 06/03/2017
Opening Days of Banking Corporations’ Offices 2530 06/03/2017
Management of Anti-money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks 2531 06/03/2017
Business continuity management 2532 09/04/2017
Cloud Computing 2536 05/07/2017
Board of Directors 2535 05/07/2017
Credit Risk Management 2533 10/07/2017
Industry indebtedness limitation 2534 10/07/2017
Mortgage consultants 2538 13/09/2017
Use of Information According to the Checks Without Cover Law, and Response to Enquiries regarding Special Restriction 2539 24/09/2017

Management of Credit Risk Derived from Trading Activity of Customers in Derivatives and Securities 2544 22/10/2017

Limitations on Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers 2543 21/10/2017
Credit Risk Management 2542 21/10/2017
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk 2541 21/10/2017
Approval in principle and maintaining the interest rate 2540 16/11/2017
Limitations on provision of housing loans 2546 17/12/2017
E-Banking 2547 25/12/2017
Debt Collection Proceedings 2549 01/01/2018
Payment Cards 2552 01/11/2018
Sending Notices via Means of Communication 2550 11/01/2018
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Regulatory Capital 2555 26/02/2018
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk 2556 15/03/2018
E-Banking 2557 22/03/2018
Limitations on Issuing Housing Loans 2559 16/04/2018
Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management 2560 24/04/2018
Supervision of Overseas Branches 2561 24/04/2018
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—the Standardized Approach—Credit Risk 2563 02/07/2018
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio 2564 02/07/2018
Payment Cards 2565 02/07/2018
Simplification of Customer Agreements 2566 10/07/2018
Limitations on Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers 2567 01/08/2018
E-Banking 2570 03/10/2018

Outsourcing 2571 07/10/2018
E-Banking 2578 13/11/2018
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation 2580 13/11/2018
The Board of Directors 2581 13/11/2018
Capital adequacy and measurement—the standardized approach—credit risk, limitations on indebtedness of a borrower and group of borrowers 2577 13/11/2018
Cloud Computing 2579 13/11/2018
Payment Cards 2572 13/11/2018
Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account 2576 13/11/2018
Opening and Managing a Current Account with no Credit Facility 2575 13/11/2018
Procedures for Extending Housing Loans 2569 13/11/2018
Merchant acquirers and acquiring payment card transactions 2583 23/12/2018
Share Buyback by Banking Corporations 2586 28/02/2019
E-Banking 2588 07/05/2019
Control over Issuing of Guarantees by a Banking Corporation 2589 07/05/2019
Provision of a Professional Human Response 2573 06/12/2019
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Market Risk 2590 20/06/2019

Credit risk management 2594 29/10/2019
Limitations on indebtedness of a borrower and of a group of borrowers 2595 29/10/2019
Capital Adequacy and Measurement—The Standardized Approach 2596 03/12/2019
Switching Banks Online (16/12/19) 2597 16/12/2019
Supervision of Branches Abroad and Compliance and the Compliance Function at a Banking Corporation 2598 23/12/2019
E-Banking 2599 29/12/2019
Industry Indebtedness Limitation 2600 12/01/2020
Semiannual Report on Exposure to Compliance Risk 2602 01/01/2020
: Capital Adequacy and Measurement—Introduction, Scope of Application, and Calculation of Capital Requirements and Leverage Ratio 2607 01/03/2020

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives that Apply to a New Banking Corporation 2608 08/03/2020
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks 2610 12/03/2020
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2611 18/03/2020
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2612 31/03/2020
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2614 01/04/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2615 07/04/2020
Outsourcing 2616 07/04/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2618 27/04/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2619 05/05/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2621 01/06/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2622 30/06/2020
Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account 2623 23/06/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2625 16/09/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2626 22/09/2020
Update of Directives 2628 28/09/2020
Debt collection proceedings 2627 13/08/2023
Management of AML/CFT Risk 2629 04/10/2020
Dormant Deposits and Deceased Persons’ Accounts 2632 30/09/2021
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus (Temporary Provision) 2633 15/11/2020
Limitations on Issuing Housing Loans 2647 27/12/2020
Reporting of Technological Failures and Cyber Events (E) 2643 29/12/2020

E-Banking 2645 30/12/2020
Management of Credit Facilities in Current Accounts (E) 2636 30/12/2020

Banking Services for New Immigrants (E) 2637 30/12/2020
Provision of a professional human telephone response (E) 2638 30/12/2020
: Transferring Activity and Closing a Customer’s Account (E) 2639 30/12/2020
Debits by Authorization (E) 2640 30/12/2020
Additional Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2648 10/01/2021
Industry Indebtedness Limitation 2649 10/01/2021
Consumer Credit Management 2652 02/02/2021
Expected Credit Losses from Financial Instruments (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives 202, 203, 314, 329) 2650 02/02/2021

Sending Notices via Means of Communication 2653 25/02/2021
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2657 22/03/2021
Implementation of an Open Banking Standard in Israel 2658 05/04/2021
Sending Notices via Means of Communications (Proper Conduct of Banking Business No. 420) 2659 06/06/2021
Pledging assets of a banking corporation (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 336) (E) 2661 15/06/2021

Net Stable Funding Ratio 2662 21/06/2021
Outsourcing 2660 21/06/2021
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2665 20/07/2021
E-Banking 2667 25/07/2021
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2666 26/07/2021
Switching Banks Online (17/08/21) 2670 17/08/2021
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2675 30/09/2021
Transitioning from the LIBOR Rate 2673 03/10/2021

Credit Risk Management 2672 30/09/2021
Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 411) (E) 2677 24/10/2021
Reporting of Technological Failures and Cyber Incidents (E) 2680 24/11/2021
Remuneration Policy in a Banking Corporation (E) 2682 12/12/2021
Oversight of the work of the external auditor 2681 23/12/2021
Update of directives (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives no. 203, 208A) 2683 26/12/2021
Limitations on the Indebtedness of a Borrower and of a Group of Borrowers Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 313) (E) 2684 26/12/2021
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2690 27/12/2021

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2693 18/01/2022
Board of Directors 2691 18/01/2022
Implementation of an Open Banking Standard in Israel 2692 17/01/2022
Banking corporation busines with related parties 2688 31/01/2022

: Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives that Apply to a New Banking Corporation 2700 15/03/2022
Update of Directives (Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives no. 203, 218, and 313) 2701 08/02/2024
Management of AML/CFT Risks 2706 09/05/2022
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision) 2708 15/05/2022
Update of Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive 203 2709 08/02/2024
Liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio 2710 25/05/2022
Cloud computing 2715 13/06/2022

Sending Notices via Means of Communications (Proper Conduct of Banking Business No. 420) 2713 13/06/2022

Wage payments to Palestinian workers via bank transfers(30/06/2022) 2712 30/06/2022
Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive 203 2722 15/08/2022

Management of AML/CFT Risks 2723 19/09/2022
Sale of housing loans and collaborations in extending housing loans 2724 06/10/2022

Credit Risk Management 2728 31/10/2022
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Funding Ratio 2727 30/10/2022

Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (01/12/2022) 2729 01/12/2022
Risk Management (26/02/2023) 2741 26/02/2023

Management of Customer Service and Support Array 2744 29/03/2023

Opening a current account with no credit facility and managing an account 2745 29/03/2023

Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks (11/06/2023) 2748 11/06/2023
Joint accounts—Survivorship Clause and Handling Existing Charges after a Death 2746 11/06/2023

Distribution of Credit Cards of Issuers Bound to a Banking Corporation by a Distribution Agreement 2752 29/06/2023

A Banking Corporation’s Activities as a Broker-Dealer 2751 19/07/2023
Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directive no. 313 “Limitations on the indebtedness of a borrower and of a group of borrowers” 2754 08/02/2024

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the Swords of Iron War (Temporary Directive) 2760 29/10/2023
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) 2761 31/10/2023
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) 2763 21/11/2023
Regulatory Capital—The Impact of Implementing Accounting Rules Regarding Expected Credit Losses 2635 01/12/2020

Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book 2766 20/12/2023

Leverage Ratio 2765 20/12/2023

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) 2771 31/12/2023
Management of Workout and Collection Processes Involving Substantial Troubled Credits 2674 30/09/2021

Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks 2770 31/12/2023
Credit Risk Management 2762 07/11/2023

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) 2774 04/02/2024
Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives for Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis (Temporary Provision): Cancellation of Directive 2775 04/02/2024
A Banking Corporation’s Activities as a Broker-Dealer 2776 09/04/2024

Adjustments to Proper Conduct of Banking Business Directives in order to deal with the “Swords of Iron” War (Temporary Directive) 2779 31/03/2024

Management of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Risks 2784 17/06/2024

Measurement and capital adequacy—operational risk 2785 19/06/2024

Disclosure of costs of securities services 2790 29/07/2024

Explanatory remarks to the Banking (Service to the Customer) (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 5784-2024 2791 31/07/2024
Transaction of business outside the banking corporation offices—Cancellation of directive 2795 18/09/2024
Reporting of Embezzlement by Employees and Officeholders 2793 19/09/2024

Industry indebtedness limitation 2803 30/10/2024

Presentation of Activity Data in Securities Deposit 2685 17/02/2025
Presentation of Activity Data in Securities Deposit 2717 17/02/2025