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Monetary Policy

Conducting Monetary Policy

Conducting Monetary Policy

The Bank of Israel's main function is to protect the value of the local currency - in other words, to maintain price stability. Maintaining the value of money is important for economic stability and strength, and for creating the conditions necessary for continued growth of output and employment.
More about Conducting Monetary Policy
Monetary Tools

Monetary Tools

The Bank of Israel conducts interest rate policy that is intended to achieve the inflation rate target set by the government. To that end, the Bank uses various monetary tools, including monetary loans to banking corporations, monetary deposits of banking corporations with the Bank of Israel, a credit window and deposit window, MAKAM issues, open market operations, and repos.
  • The Monetary Committee

    The committee was established in accordance with the Bank of Israel Law, 2010
  • Managing monetary policy

    Maintaining price stability
  • The Bank of Israel Law, 2010

    Objectives and Functions of the Bank of Israel
  • Macroeconomic Forecast

    Research Department staff forecast
  • What is the representative exchange rate?

    Foreign currency exchange rates in shekels