Savings and investment products

On this page, we have compiled information for you about solid financial instruments for savings and investment


    A Makam is a security which is issued by the Bank of Israel and considered to be a risk-free asset.
  • Money market fund

    A money market trust fund is a mutual fund that trades on the stock exchange and invests in safe assets.
  • Bank deposit

    A bank deposit is an investment agreement whose terms can be negotiated with the bank. Would you like to know more about it?
  • Maintaining your money in the current (checking) account is a handy solution, but there are also disadvantages to it.

Snapshot: Total amount of the funds which the public holds in current (checking) banking accounts and in bank deposits

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This information is provided by the Bank of Israel only as an informative service to the public. It is emphasized and clarified that this information should not be considered, in any case and in any form, as a personalized advice on investments or a recommendation or an opinion with regard to the worthwhileness of investing in financial products which are mentioned on this page.