Israel’s External Debt
Statistical information by subject
Additional information
Israel’s External Debt
Israel’s external debt data show the balance of Israel’s liabilities in debt instruments to nonresidents at two points in time—generally the beginning and end of a quarter. The data relate to gross external debt and net external debt (gross external debt minus foreign assets in debt instruments), and are presented by actual time to redemption on a profile date, by various breakdowns: sector (public, nonbank private, banking); credit range (short—up to one year; medium-long—more than one year); and financial instrument (bonds, loans, deposits, commercial credit). Information is also provided on debt by original term to redemption, composition of changes in the debt balance, and forecast repayment of principal and interest (annual reporting).
Relevant documents
- External Debt Financial Stability Indicators (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Balance of Gross and Net External Debt, Divided Among Credit Maturities, by Actual Debt Period (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Gross External Debt Balances by Borrowing Sector and Source of Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Distribution of the Balance of the Economy's Gross External Debt, Divided Among Credit Maturities, by Original Debt Term (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Gross External Debt Receipts and Principal Repayments (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Forecast of Principal Repayment of Gross External Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Forecast of Interest Payments of Gross External Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - External Debt Financial Stability Indicators (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Balance of Gross and Net External Debt, Divided Among Credit Maturities, by Actual Debt Period (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Gross External Debt Balances by Borrowing Sector and Source of Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Distribution of the balance of the economy's gross external debt, Divided Among Credit Maturities, by original debt term (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Gross External Debt Receipts and Principal Repayments (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Forecast of Principal Repayment of Gross External Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- ACCESSIBLE - Forecast of Interest Payments of Gross External Debt (Updated on: 25/03/2025)
- Measuring the Countrys External Debt (Updated on: 24/09/2024)