Financial Market Integration In The Middle East: How Big Is The Peace Dividend? - Bent E. Sorensen and Oved Yosha

Ricardian Equivalence And The Value Of Firms In The Capital Market - Roni Frish

Have The Gaps In Education Narrowed? On Factors Determining Eligibility For The Israeli Matriculation Certificate - Momi Dahan, Eyal Dvir, Natalie Mironichev and Samuel Shye

Inflation, Unemployment, The Exchange Rate, And Monetary Policy In Israel, 1990-99: A Svar Approach - Joseph Djivre and Sigal Ribon

New Horizons: Telecommunications Policy In Israel In The 21st Century - Neil Gandal

Do Changes In Current Income Help To Explain Changes In Consumption In Israel? - Yaacov Lavi