Third Series of the Pound

Dimensions150 X 75 mm.
DesignerProf. Masino Besi, Italy and Sam Hertz, Holland.
Issue dateJanuary 13, 1972.
Cancellation dateMarch 31, 1984.
ColorLight blue.
Portrait of Albert Einstein; the denomination "Five Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Atomic reactor at Nahal Sorek; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Profile of A. Einstein.
Security thread:
On the left-hand side of the note.
Colour of numbering:
Black. Red (March 1974).
Governor of the Bank David Horowitz; Chairman of the Advisory Council Y. Chorin.

Dimensions160 X 80 mm.
DesignerProf. Masino Besi and Prof. M. Baiardi, Italy.
Issue dateAugust 6, 1970.
Cancellation dateMarch 31, 1984.
Portrait of Chaim Nachman Bialik; the denomination "Ten Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Bialik's home in Tel-Aviv; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Profile of C.N. Bialik.
Security thread:
On the left-hand side of the note.
Colour of numbering:
Black and blue. Green (March 1971).
Governor of the Bank David Horowitz; Chairman of the Advisory Council Y. Chorin.

Dimensions170 X 85 mm.
DesignerProf. Masino Besi and Prof. M. Baiardi, Italy.
Issue dateJanuary 13, 1972.
Cancellation dateMarch 31, 1984.
Portrait of Chaim Weizmann the denomination "Fifty Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Knesset Building in Jerusalem; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Profile of Ch. Weizmann.
Security thread:
On the right-hand side of the note.
Colour of numbering:
Black. Blue (October 1976).
Governor of the Bank David Horowitz; Chairman of the Advisory Council Y. Chorin.

Dimensions180 X 90 mm.
DesignerProf. Masino Bessi, Italy and H.J. Bard, Britain.
Issue dateFebruary 27, 1969.
Cancellation dateMarch 31, 1984.
Portrait of Theodor Herzl; the denomination "One Hundred Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Emblem of the State of Israel surrounded by the emblems of the twelve tribes; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Profile of Theodor Herzl.
Security thread:
On the left-hand side of the note (black and red numbering); On the right-hand side of the note (black numbering with no letter affix and brown numbering)
Colour of numbering:
Black, Red (March 1971) and Brown (March 1974).
Governor of the Bank David Horowitz; Chairman of the Advisory Council Y. Chorin.
In the series with red numbering Herzl's profile in the watermark is different. Part of the series with black numbering has no letter affix and the security thread is on the right hand side (February 1973).