The Banking Supervision Department’s handling of public enquiries and complaints in 2012

The Banking Supervision Department’s handling of public enquiries and complaints in 2012

The Banking Supervision Department’s handling of public enquiries and complaints in 2012
  •  In 2012 the Banking Supervision Department handled 6,095 written enquiries and complaints from customers of banks and credit card companies, of which 1,253 were complaints, and the rest, enquiries and requests.  In addition, the Department responded to an additional 16,400 telephone enquiries.

  • In 2012, 21.5 percent of the complaints against banks and credit card companies on which a position was taken were found to be justified, compared with 26.1 percent justified complaints in 2011.  This decline is the result of positive steps taken in two of the five largest banks.

  • Due to the involvement of the Banking Supervision Department in these specific complaints, the banking corporations paid their customers a total of about NIS 2.4 million.

  • Of the five major banking groups, the activities of Leumi Group and First International Group received the highest rating according to four criteria that are based on information accumulated by the Banking Supervision Department in the processing of public enquiries and complaints. In the ranking of the five largest banks, the result was the same.

  • The ranking of the five largest banks over the past three years shows the positive development that has taken place in two of the five largest banks: First International and Mizrahi-Tefahot.  First International Bank registered a positive trend of ranking improvement in the past two years, while Mizrahi-Tefahot significantly improved its rating in 2012.

Interest Rate Releases and Discussions

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Latest Update: 12/11/2020
Currency (Unit) Rate Daily Change
Dollar 3.3770 -0.266%
Pound 4.4406 -1.078%
100 Yen 3.2068 -0.115%
Euro 3.9874 -0.038%
Nominal Effective Rate -0.126%