The Bank of Israel hosted over the past two days a delegation from de Nederlandsche Bank, the central bank of the Netherlands, headed by the President of de Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Mr. Klaas Knot. The delegation included Mr. Clovis Hopman of the Legal Services Division, and Ms. Saskia de Vries-van Ewijk, Head of the International Financial Architecture Department at the Financial Stability Division. The DNB president is conducting a round of visits to countries in the IMF Executive Board constituency to which the Netherlands belongs, a group in which Israel has been a member for many years. During the course of the visit the delegation met with members of the Bank of Israel’s Monetary Committee, and President Knot addressed the Bank’s management and economists at the Bank. In his speech, the President focused on the various challenges of managing monetary policy in the eurozone, with an emphasis on conducting monetary policy under a single currency, with various member countries that have different economic features. President Knot’s presentation is attached.​


During the visit, the DNB President also held meetings at the Palestine Monetary Authority.


Governor of the Bank of Israel Dr. Karnit Flug said, “Israel’s economy is impacted by the global economy, and there is great importance to professional dialogue and international cooperation. I am happy for the opportunity to host the President of DNB in Israel, for the chance to learn about the manner of dealing with the complex issues faced by the ECB at this challenging time, and to present developments and policy measures in Israel.”​