Bank of Israel Deputy Governor Dr. Nadine Baudot-Trajtenberg will leave her position today, at the end of her five-year term, as the Bank of Israel announced a few weeks ago.


Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Amir Yaron: “Among her areas of responsibility at the Bank of Israel, Dr. Baudot-Trajtenberg led the higher steering committee for the establishment of the credit data sharing system that will soon be launched, coordinated the Bank of Israel’s preparations for establishing the Sovereign Wealth Fund, advanced the Bank of Israel’s preparedness for managing financial crises, and led an interministerial team that examined alternatives to the transaction settlement relationship between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, as well as an interministerial team put together by the Bank of Israel on issues relating to virtual assets.  The tremendous professional know-how accumulated regarding these issues will remain with the Bank of Israel and the various teams she led, and will serve us in the future. The issues Nadine promoted required tremendous determination, and integration between the various departments at the Bank, and with entities outside the Bank, which Nadine advanced with her characteristic elegance and understanding of their importance to the Israeli economy.”



Bank of Israel Deputy Governor Dr. Nadine Baudot-Trajtenberg said, “I have had the great merit and exceptional experience of working at the Bank of Israel during such an important period to the Israeli economy.  The nature of public service is to serve the broad public while remembering that different parts of the public are affected differently by policy decisions.  It is therefore important to consider all possible effects of each decision with a view to the public good, but also to recognize and take into account the effect that it has on those whom the decision may harm.  As such, beyond the high professional level, I was pleased to work at the Bank of Israel with people from different backgrounds and varied life experiences, who were ready to enter into honest discussion and dialogue with others.  I thank all my colleagues for all the cooperation in the past five years, and wish the Bank under Prof. Amir Yaron’s leadership much success in all areas of its operations.”
