The Banking Supervision Department has published the information sent to the parliamentary investigative committee on large borrowers on the Bank of Israel’s website

On July 5, 2017, the Knesset plenum approved the Knesset House Committee’s decision to appoint a parliamentary investigative committee to look into the financial system’s behavior regarding credit arrangements for large business borrowers, to be headed by MK Eitan Cabel.


The Banking Supervision Department is cooperating fully with the investigative committee, with the aim of helping it fulfill its function.  As such, the Department provides the committee with a large amount of information about its activities, at the committee’s request, subject to the restrictions of the law.


As part of the Banking Supervision Department’s public transparency policy, the information it is providing to the committee is published on the Bank of Israel’s website (in Hebrew).  Some of the information was provided as a direct response to the committee’s request, and some was provided at the Department’s initiative because the Department believes that the information can help the committee fulfill its function.


The information will be updated regularly as more information is sent to the committee.​