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Continued realizations of government bonds

Bonds and makam
: In September, nonresidents realized around a net $1.5 billion in government bonds which reached maturity (3-year Shachar bonds). Preliminary figures for October indicate net investment of about $120 million in government bonds. Since May 2013, nonresidents have realized about $2.8 billion in government bonds.
Investments in Israeli shares: In September, nonresidents invested approximately a net $120 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), following net sales of about $110 million in August. At the same time, nonresidents invested about $580 million in Israeli shares traded abroad, primarily in one company in the high tech sector.
Preliminary figures for October indicate net investments of about $10 million in shares of Israeli companies traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In September, nonresidents' net direct investment in Israel totaled about $310 million, primarily in one company in the high tech sector.


Investments by institutional investors in foreign shares

: In September, institutional investors invested about $540 million, net, in shares traded abroad. At the same time, households invested about $170 million, net.
Bonds: In September, Israeli residents invested about a net $340 million in bonds traded abroad.  Of that, institutional investors invested about $230 million. At the same time, the business sector and households invested a combined net $110 million.
Direct investments abroad: In September, residents realized about $20 million in direct investments abroad.



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