Realization of government bonds traded abroad and of makam
Financial investments in Israel:
Bonds traded abroad: In October, a government bond traded abroad reached maturity. As a result, nonresidents made net realizations of about $710 million.
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv: In October, nonresidents realized about $460 million net in government makam, in contrast with net investments in August and September totaling about $320 million. There were investments of about $40 million in government bonds—mostly medium-short term shekel bonds—further to net investment of about $280 million in September.
Investments in Israeli shares: In October, nonresidents invested about $130 million net in Israeli shares traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), and about $20 million net in Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In October, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $760 million. Activity was concentrated in the scientific research and development industry and in the agricultural pesticides and disinfectants industry.
Net realizations of foreign shares, mainly by institutional investors
Financial investments abroad:
In October, Israeli residents realized about $890 million, net, in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad, further to net realizations of about $720 million in September.
Shares: In October, Israeli residents sold about $870 million, net, in foreign shares traded abroad: institutional investors, primarily insurance companies and pension funds, sold about $1 billion net, which was partially offset by net investment of about $100 million by the business sector and net investment of about $35 million by the household sector.
Bonds: In October, Israeli residents realized about $15 million in bonds traded abroad—there were net realizations of about $220 million by the business sector and of about $100 million by households, while in contrast there were net investments of about $310 million by institutional investors.
Direct investment abroad: In October, Israeli residents realized direct investments abroad totaling about $90 million net. Most of the realizations were by companies in the finance and insurance industries.
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