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Net investment in government bonds and Israeli shares
Bonds and makam: In November, nonresidents made net investments of about $250 million in government bonds, compared to $150 million in October. This follows net realization of about $2.8 billion in government bonds between May 2013 and September 2013.

Investments in Israeli shares: In November, nonresidents made net investments of approximately $100 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE).  Since the beginning of the year, nonresidents have made net investments of approximately $1.4 billion in shares in Israel, a marked increase over 2012, when net investments totaled only about $400 million. In addition, nonresidents invested about $140 million in Israeli shares traded abroad in November, with net investments in this channel totaling about $730 million since the beginning of the year.

Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In November, nonresidents' net direct investment in Israel totaled about $550 million, including an investment of about $130 million in one holding company.


A marked increase in the volume of investment by the business sector and households in shares traded abroad

In November, the three sectors—the business sector, households, and institutional investors—made financial investments (bonds and shares) abroad totaling about $310 million each.

Shares: In November, the business sector invested about $310 million in shares traded abroad, continuing net investments of a similar amount in October.  Households also invested about half a billion dollars in shares in the past two months. In contrast, institutional investors lowered their volume of investments in foreign shares in October–November, investing about $150 million in November, after realizing $90 million in October.

Bonds: In November, Israeli residents made net investments of about $270 million in bonds traded abroad, most of which—about $160 million—was by institutional investors.  


Direct investments abroad: In November, residents realized about $110 million, net, in direct investments abroad, in one company manufacturing advanced medical instrumentation.

For your convenience: a link to the website page "External Sector > Balance of payments - Financial Account".



