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Net investments by nonresidents in shares, government bonds and makam:
Financial investments in Israel:
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv: In April, nonresidents invested about $280 million, net, in government bonds traded in Tel Aviv (mainly medium-range unindexed bonds), in contrast with net realizations of about $50 million in March.
Likewise, in April, nonresidents resumed net investments in makam. During the course of the month, there were net investments totaling $85 million, after realizations of about $220 million in March.
In April, there were net investments of $90 million in government bonds traded abroad.
Investments in Israeli shares: In April, nonresidents invested about $220 million, net, in Israeli shares traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), further to net investments of about $155 million in March. 
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In April, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $2.1 billion. Activity was concentrated in the manufacturing and production industry.
Net investments by institutional investors in foreign bonds
Financial investments abroad:
In April, Israeli residents invested about $350 million, net, in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad, in contrast to net realizations of about $1.3 billion in February–March.
Shares: In April, Israeli residents realized about $30 million, net, in foreign shares traded abroad: There were net realizations of about $120 million by institutional investors, mainly by the new pension funds, provident funds and advanced training funds. These were partly offset by net investments totaling about $90 million by the business sector.
Bonds: In April, Israeli residents investment about $370 million, net, in foreign bonds traded abroad. There were net investments of about $320 million by institutional investors, and net investments of about $50 million in foreign bonds by households.
Direct investment abroad: In April, Israeli residents realized direct investments abroad, only through the banking system, totaling about $110 million, net. Most of the realizations were by companies in the administrative and support services industry and in the financial services and insurance industry.
Further information and details on this subject are available here.