Graphs & Data

Investment in Israeli shares and sales of government bonds and makam
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv: In July, nonresidents made net realizations of about $380 million in government bonds traded in Tel Aviv, mostly unindexed medium and short-term bonds. In parallel, nonresidents made net realizations of about $100 million in makam.
Investments in Israeli shares: In July, nonresidents made net investments of about $420 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), and about $30 million in Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In July, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $470 million. Activity was concentrated in the information and communications and manufacturing and production industries.
Net investments by institutional investors, mainly in foreign shares
In July, Israeli residents invested about $770 million net in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad.
Shares: In July, Israeli residents invested about $870 million net in foreign shares traded abroad: institutional investors, primarily pension funds, invested about $590 million net, mainly in foreign mutual funds traded abroad and in ETFs. Furthermore, households invested about $200 million net in foreign shares traded abroad, and the business sector invested about $60 million net.
Bonds: In July, Israeli residents made net realizations of about $100 million in bonds traded abroad: net realizations of about $130 million by the business sector and institutional investors, and net investments of about $30 million by households.
Direct investment abroad: Israeli residents made net direct investments abroad totaling about $50 million. Most of the investments were by a company in the manufacturing and production industry.




Further information and details on this subject are available here.