Israel’s foreign exchange reserves at the end of September 2012 stood at $76,226 million, an increase of $610 million from their level at the end of August.
The increase was the result of:
a. A revaluation that increased the reserves by $940 million.
b. An increase of $8 million derived from private sector transactions.
This was offset by:
a. Government transfers to abroad of $338 million.
Israel's Foreign Exchange Reserves
$ million
Reserves excluding IMF Reserves at the IMF* Total 2010 December 69,265** 1,648 70,913** 2011January 71,676** 1,722** 73,398** February 72,060** 1,733 73,793** March 72,779 1,747 74,526 April 75,623** 1,786 77,409** May 74,997 1,806 76,803 June 75,608 1,806 77,414 July 76,100 1,843 77,943 August 76,223 1,855 78,078 September 74,510 1,821 76,331 October 75,055 1,847 76,902 November 73,348 1,806 75,154 December 73,052 1,823** 74,875** 2012 January 75,273** 1,842 77,115** February 75,252 1,847 77,099 March 75,152 1.845 76,997 April 74,762 1,867 76,629 May 72,974 1,818 74,792 June 73,292 1,827 75,119 July 73,570 1,816 75,386 August 73,780 1,836 75,616 September 74,364 1,862 76,226
* This column includes the allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the IMF to member countries, and the balance of Israel's reserve tranche in the IMF.
** Updated after the original date of publication.