The IMF delegation today opens its discussions in Israel.  Due to the COVID crisis, the discussions are being conducted online this year.


In addition to the head of the delegation, Iva Petrova, other members participating in the discussions will be economists Enrique Curiel, Seng Guan Toh, and Jing Zhou.


As in other years, the delegation will hold consultations with leaders of the economy from both the public and private sectors.  The delegation will meet with Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Amir Yaron, Research Department Director Prof. Michel Strawczynski and senior Bank of Israel officials, and the Acting Director General of the Ministry of Finance Eran Yaakov, Chief Economist Shira Greenberg, and senior officials from the ministry.  In addition, the delegation will hold meetings with senior officials from various government ministries, the Capital Market Authority, the Israel Securities Authority, and the commercial banks.


At the end of its visit to Israel, on November 18, the delegation will submit an initial report to the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Bank of Israel.  Following that, a detailed annual report will be written in Washington, and submitted for discussion by the IMF’s executive council, as customary regarding each IMF member country.


The IMF’s reports are distributed widely and attract much interest in the global money markets, and have an effect on the rating of the surveyed economies and on the recommendations of global investment banks regarding investments in the Israeli economy.​​