
What is ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software that aims to extort money from the victim.  Ransomware is the most common and bothersome computer virus in the cyber world in recent years, and poses a large challenge to both organizations and private individuals.

  • Ransomware penetrates the computer or cellphone, usually through an email message that tempts the user to click on a tainted link or to download a tainted file to the device.
  • Once the user falls into the trap, the device itself is hit by the virus.
  • The most common way the ransomware virus operates is by encrypting files on the device. Sensitive work files or even pictures of the kids can all be attacked.
  • The program sometimes steals the files before they are encrypted and threatens to distribute them on the Internet.
  • The attacker generally asks for a ransom in bitcoin—a virtual and anonymous currency—in amounts up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Once the ransom is paid to a virtual wallet that is sent to the victim, keys are sent to unlock the encryption.


Rules of conduct that will help protect you from attempted ransomware:

  • Back up your information in a file that is separate and isolated (on the cloud or on an external drive)
  • Make sure to install all operating system updates for the computer.
  • Regularly update your security software (such as antivirus) to the most up-to-date version.
  • Don’t open any emails sent from suspicious or unidentified sources.
  • Don’t open any files from unidentified sources or click on any unrecognized link.
This page was last updated on: 03/09/2024