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Short-form annual statement

Short-form annual statement of your bank account


The annual statement provides you with a picture of your account as of December 31 of the previous year.  The report contains data on your assets and liabilities, on your current account activity, and on the costs of managing your account.

In order to help you understand your annual statement and gain tips that will help your financial conduct, we present the following explanations of the statement’s sections.

  • Part 1 – General
  • Part 2 – Balances as of December 31
  • Part 2 – Balances as of December 31 cont’d.
  • Part 3 – Activity in your account
  • Part 3b – Deposits and savings
  • Part 3c – Credit: housing loans, other loans, and credit facilities
  • Part 3d – Fees
  • Part 4 – Other current account data
  • Terms and other points of emphasis
This page was last updated on: 09/07/2024