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Fourth Series of the Pound

To save on production costs and permit automatic sorting of banknotes, the Bank of Israel issued a new series with a standard width of 76 mm. The face of these notes, too, bore portraits of outstanding personalities, while the motif selected for the back was the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Another innovation was the printing of dots in intaglio to enable the blind to identify the denomination of the notes. A IL 500 note was first issued in this series, which was put into circulation in 1975-78.

On the back of the notes, bars of binary codes were imprinted in invisible ink, for the purpose of automatic detection.

Starting with this series, the Arabic caligraphy is inscribed by Yousuf Wahba.

  • Dimensions
    128 X 76 mm.​
  • Designer
    Paul Kor, Adrian Senger.​
  • Issue date
    March 11, 1976.​
  • Cancellation date
    March 31, 1984.​
  • Color

Front: ​

Portrait of Henrietta Szold; Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem; the denomination "Five Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.​


Lion's Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.​


Profile of Henrietta Szold.​

Sign for the blind:​

Three black dots in the lower left-hand corner of the front.​

Colour of numbering:​



Governor of the Bank Moshe Sanbar; Chairman of the Advisory Council David Horowitz.​

  • Dimensions
    135 X 76 mm.​
  • Designer
    Paul Kor, Adrian Senger.​
  • Issue date
    January 30, 1975.​
  • Cancellation date
    March 31, 1984.​
  • Color

Front: ​

Portrait of Moshe Montefiori; the "Mishkanot Shaananim" quarter in Jerusalem with the windmill; the denomination "Ten Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.​


Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.​


Profile of Moshe Montefiori.​

Sign for the blind:​

Two black dots in the lower left-hand corner of the front.​

Colour of numbering:​



Governor of the Bank Moshe Sanbar; Chairman of the Advisory Council David Horowitz.​

  • Dimensions
    141 X 76 mm.​
  • Designer
    Paul Kor, Adrian Senger.​
  • Issue date
    January 26, 1978.​
  • Cancellation date
    March 31, 1984.​
  • Color

Front: ​

Portrait of Chaim Weizmann; the Wix Library at the Weizmann Institute of Science; the denomination "Fifty Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.​


Damascus gate in the Old City of Jerusalem; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.​


Profile of Ch. Weizmann.​

Sign for the blind:​

One black dot in the lower left-hand corner of the front.​

Colour of numbering:​



Governor of the Bank Moshe Sanbar; Chairman of the Advisory Council David Horowitz.​

  • Dimensions
    147 X 76 mm.​
  • Designer
    Paul Kor, Adrian Senger.​
  • Issue date
    March 14, 1975.​
  • Cancellation date
    March 31, 1984.​
  • Color

Front: ​

Portrait of Theodor Herzl; the entrance gate to Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem; the denomination "One Hundred Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.​


Zion Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem; "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew, English and Arabic.​


Profile of Theodor Herzl.​

Colour of numbering:​



Governor of the Bank Moshe Sanbar; Chairman of the Advisory Council David Horowitz.​

  • Dimensions
    153 X 76 mm.​
  • Designer
    Dutch artists.​
  • Issue date
    May 26, 1977.​
  • Cancellation date
    March 31, 1984.​
  • Color

Front: ​

Portrait of David Ben-Gurion; the library at kibbutz Sde Boker; the denomination "Five Hundred Israeli Pounds" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.​

צד הגב:

שער הרחמים בעיר העתיקה בירושלים; המלים "בנק ישראל" בעברית, בערבית ובאנגלית.


Profile of David Ben-Gurion.​

Sign for the blind:​

A black oval in the lower left-hand corner of the front.​

Colour of numbering:​



Governor of the Bank Moshe Sanbar; Chairman of the Advisory Council David Horowitz.​

This page was last updated on: 21/05/2023