First Series of the New Sheqel

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerZvi Narkiss assisted by Arie Glazer.
Issue dateMay 8, 1986.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Maimonides (Rambam); a passage from his manuscript of the "Mishneh Tora" (code of Jewish law); the denomination "One New Sheqel" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Stylized view of Tiberias where Maimonides is buried; an ancient candelabrum; the denomination "1 New Sheqel" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Maimonides.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
A triangle on the front merges with a triangle on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A triangle in the lower right-hand corner of the front.
Colour of numbering:
Governor of the Bank Moshe Mandelbaurn; Chairman of the Advisory Council Avraham Shapira.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerJacob Zim.
Issue dateSeptember 4, 1985.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Levi Eshkol; a panorama of united Jerusalem; the denomination "Five New Sheqallm" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Pipe carrying water, symbolizing Eshkol's enterprise, against a background of meadow and barren land; the denomination "5 New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Levi Eshkol.
Security thread:
In the centre of the note.
A geometric pattern on the front merges with a pattern on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A square in the upper right-hand corner of the front.
Colour of numbering:
Governor of the Bank: in series A, Moshe Mandelbaum, in series B, Michael Bruno; Chairman of the Advisory Council: in series A, Avraham Shapira, in series B, Shlomo Lorincz.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerAsher Kalderon.
Issue dateSeptember 4, 1985.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Golda Meir; a stylized tree with intertwining branches against a background of seven-branched candelabra and the words "Let my people go" in microprint; the denomination "Ten New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Picture of Golda Meir among a gathering of Russian Jews in front of the Moscow synagogue; the words "Let my people go" in the background in large and tiny letters; the denomination "10 New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Golda Meir.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
A four-branched candelabrum on the front merges with a three-branched candelabrum on the back to form a seven-branched candelabrum when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A rhombus in the upper right-hand corner of the front.
Colour of numbering:
Governor of the Bank: in series A, Moshe Mandelbaum, in series B, Michael Bruno; Chairman of the Advisory Council: in series A, Avraham Shapira, in series B, Shlomo Lorincz.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerZvi Narkiss assisted by Arie Glazer.
Issue dateApril 2, 1988.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Moshe Sharett; below, in a line legible under a magnifying glass, the titles of his seven books; the ceremony of the unfurling of the Israeli flag by Sharett at the U.N. building in 1949; the denomination "Twenty New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
Original building of the Herzlia high school where Sharett studied; a background of Little Tel Aviv; the denomination "20 New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Moshe Sharett.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
Six small triangles on the front merge with two rhombi and two triangles on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A tilted square within a square in the upper right-hand corner of the front.
Colour of numbering:
Governor of the Bank Michael Bruno; Chairman of the Advisory Council Shlomo Lorincz.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerEliezer Weishoff.
Issue dateSeptember 4, 1985.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of S.Y. Agnon; the denomination "Fifty New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
A skyline of Jerusalem and a Jewish townlet in Eastern Europe; titles of 18 books by Agnon in microprint; the denomination "50 New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of S.Y. Agnon.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
A three-sided pattern on the front merges with another on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A pentagon in the upper right-hand corner of the front.
Colour of numbering:
Governor of the Bank Moshe Mandelbaurn; Chairman of the Advisory Council Avraham Shapira.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
DesignerZvi Narkiss.
Issue dateAugust 19, 1986.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Itzhak Ben-Zvi; to the right, In nine lines legible under a magnifying glass, the titles of his nine books; a background depicting a group of people representing different ethnic communities in Israel: the denomination "One Hundred New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
A view of Peki'in village, researched by Ben-Zvi, including the synagogue, a carob tree and a cave; an ancient stone candelabrum, the denomination "100 New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Itzhak Ben-Zvi.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
A triangle on the front merges with a triangle on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
A half-circle in the upper right-hand corner on the front.
Colour of numbering:
Black on the lower part of the note and green on the upper part.
Governor of the Bank Moshe Mandelbaum.
The series dated 5749-1989 carries the signatures of the Governor Michael Bruno and Chairman of the Advisory Council Shlomo Lorincz.

Dimensions138 X 76 mm.
Designerfront: Moshe Pereg; back: Dror Ben-Dov.
Issue dateFebruary 16, 1992.
Cancellation date1 ביולי 2000.
Portrait of Zalman Shazar, third president of Israel; Candelabrum formed from DNA molecule, as a symbol to the progress of science; In the background - the poem "compulsory education law" written by Natan Alterman in 1949; the denomination "Two Hundred New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Hebrew.
A girl leaning over a table; Hebrew letters; the denomination "Two Hundred New Sheqalim" and "Bank of Israel" in Arabic and English.
Portrait of Zalman Shazar.
Security thread:
In the middle of the note.
Eight triangles on the front merge with four triangles on the back to form a Star of David when held against the light.
Sign for the blind:
An identical geometric form on the front and the back.
Colour of numbering:
Black on the lower part of the note and red on the upper part.
Governor of the Bank Prof. Michael Bruno and Chairman of the Advisory Council Shlomo Lorincz.