§  During the fourth quarter of 2016, the value of the public's financial assets portfolio increased by about NIS 38 billion (compared with the balance at the end of the third quarter of the year), to about NIS 3.44 trillion at the end of the quarter.


§  The increase in the portfolio value in the fourth quarter derived mainly from an increase in the balance of cash and deposits, in the value of shares in Israel, and in investments abroad.  These were partly offset by a decline in the value of government bonds and of tradable corporate bonds.


§  Since the beginning of the year, there was a decline in the weight of tradable assets, assets abroad, and foreign exchange assets.


§  The value of the asset portfolio managed by institutional investors increased by about 1.2 percent (NIS 17 billion) in the fourth quarter of 2016, to about NIS 1.44 trillion. The increase was a result of an increase in the cash and deposits and shares abroad components, and was partly offset by a decline in the value of government and corporate bonds.


§  In the fourth quarter of the year, there were net deposits in mutual funds totaling about NIS 3.8 billion. 

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