To Data & Graphs
Net realizations
by nonresidents of government bonds traded abroad and of makam
investments in Israel:
Bonds and makam traded in
Tel Aviv: In November,
nonresidents realized about $270 million, net, in makam, further
to net realizations in October of about $460 million. In contrast, there were
net investments of about $140 million in government bonds, primarily medium
term shekel bonds.
Government bonds traded abroad: In November, a US-government
guaranteed government bond series traded abroad reached maturity, in parallel
with net realizations by nonresidents, at a total of about $90 million.
in Israeli shares:
In November, nonresidents invested about a net $60 million in Israeli shares
traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), and about a net $180 million in
Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment in
Israel: In November,
nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about
$380 million. Activity was concentrated in the professional, scientific and
technological activity industry as well as in the wholesale trade industry.
Net investments by institutional
investors and households in in foreign stocks and bonds
Financial investments abroad:
In November, Israeli residents invested
about $850 million, net, in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad, in
contrast to total net realizations of about $1.7 billion in September-October.
Shares: In November, Israeli residents invested
about a net $285 million in foreign shares traded abroad: there were net
investments of about $180 million by households, in parallel with net
investments of about $90 million by institutional investors, primarily profit-participating
insurance companies, and net investments of about $15 million by the business
Bonds: In November, Israeli residents invested
about a net $560 million in bonds traded abroad. There were net investments of
about $450 million by institutional investors, mainly provident and pension
funds that invested in corporate bond mutual funds abroad. Likewise, households
invested about $110 million, net. Activity by the business sector was balanced.
Direct investment abroad: In November, Israeli residents
realized direct investments abroad totaling about $40 million, net. Most of the
realizations were by households and by companies in the real estate sector.
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