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Net realizations by nonresidents of government bonds and makam:
Financial investments in Israel:
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv: In May, nonresidents realized about $960 million, net, in makam, mainly in the series that matured in May.  There have not been realizations of a similar scale in the past four years. In addition, nonresidents realized about $400 million, net, in government bonds traded in Tel Aviv, mainly in a series that matured during the month.
Government bonds traded abroad: In May, nonresidents realized about $80 million, net, in government bonds traded abroad, mainly through the repayment of bonds guaranteed by the US government.
Investments in Israeli shares: In May, nonresidents realized about $110 million, net, in Israeli shares traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), in contrast to net investments of about $220 million in April. 
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In May, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $480 million. Activity was concentrated in the professional, scientific and technical industry.
Net realizations by institutional investors, mainly in foreign shares
Financial investments abroad:
In May, Israeli residents realized about $860 million, net, in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad, in contrast to net investments of about $350 billion in April.
Shares: In May, Israeli residents realized about $840 million, net, in foreign shares traded abroad: There were net realizations of about $720 million by institutional investors, mainly by the provident funds and advanced training funds, and net realizations totaling about $120 million by households.
Bonds: In May, Israeli residents realized about $20 million, net, in foreign bonds traded abroad. There were net realizations of about $180 million by institutional investors, and net investments in foreign bonds totaling about $140 million by the business sector and about $20 million by households.
Direct investment abroad: In May, Israeli residents made direct investments abroad, only through the banking system, totaling about $90 million net. Most of the investments were by companies in the real estate industry.