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Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Amir Yaron delivered remarks during an online conference held at the initiative of the Association of Hedge Funds and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange for global capital market investors.  His talk was entitled: “Israel’s Economic Strength and Navigating its Dynamics During Wartime”.

In his remarks, the Governor discussed the complexity of managing economic policy during periods of uncertainty, and the way in which Israel’s economic strength prior to the war is helping the economy deal with the existing and expected consequences of the war.

The Governor also reviewed the variety of actions taken by the Bank of Israel in order to help the economy deal optimally with the war, and to help households and businesses get through this period.

Among other things, the Governor stated:

"Even during wartime, the Israeli economy is robust and stable, and that it is based on strong and healthy economic foundations.  We have known how to recover from difficult periods in the past and rapidly return to prosperity. We took a series of determined steps that were intended, among other things, to stable the markets and to help businesses & households deal with the crisis. The Bank’s functioning at this time relies on the vast experience that we have gained in recent years in managing policy during crisis and under uncertainty. We will continue to closely monitor the state of the markets and will make decisions on further measures as necessary."

To view the Governor’s entire speech and the presentation that accompanied it, please click here:

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