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Inflation Report 1999, July-December
Jerusalem, February 1, 2000
1. In the second half of 1999, prices rose by about 3.4 percent, annual terms, and the economy reverted to a path of price rises similar to that which prevailed from the end of 1997 till the last quarter of 1998, prior to the international financial crisis. In the whole of 1999, prices rose at a cumulative rate of 1.3 percent. Although this is significantly below the 1999 inflation target of 4 percent, it does not indicate that the inflation invironment has fallen to the level which is the norm in industrialized countries. 2. For most of the second half of the year, the inflation environment was higher than the targets set for 1999 and 2000,and it was characterized by high volatility, converging to the target for the next two years– between 3 and 4 percent-towards the end of the year. 3. In the course of the second half of 1999, the Bank of Israel gradually reduced the rate of interest by a total of 0.8 of a percentage point, and its level at the end of the period was 11.2 percent. The caution exercised in reducing the interest rate is in part a response to the uncertainty regarding developments in the inflation environment in the period under review, against the background of fiscal uncertainty and a reduction of the differential between interest rates in Israel and abroad. 4. Prices in the second half of the year were greatly affected by developments in the foreign- exchange market, and in particular by changes in the exchange rate. From July till October the NIS devalued, contributing to price increases, and then it appreciated, contributing to low rises in the CPI in November- December. The Bank of Israel did not intervene in foreign- currency trading. 5. The background to price changes was the recovery in economic activity. Various indices, including domestic product, industrial production, tourist arrivals, and the rise in the number of immigrants, as well as indications provided by the Survey of Companies for the last quarter of the year, suggest that a turnaround in real activity is imminent. 6. The economy's return in the second half of 1999 to an inflation path similar to that prevailing prior to the world financial crisis, and the inflation target of 3 to 4 percent per year for the next two years set by the government, provide an opportunity to consolidate inflation at a level approaching the norm in industrialized countries. Nevertheless, there are factors present which may still endanger price stability, so that a cautious monetary policy will be necessary in 2000, too. Summary 1. Introduction 2. The development of the CPI and the inflation environment The CPI Development of the various categories comprising the CPI The inflation environment 3. Monetary policy and financial assets Monetary policy Financial assets 4. The foreign- currency market and exchange- rate developments Box 1: Israel's Country Risk Rating 5. The development of world prices, and Israel's import and export prices Box 2: World Oil Prices and Israel's CPI 6. Fiscal policy 7. Real economic developments 8. The background and policy required to consolidate low inflation in Israel The inflation target Fiscal policy Completing the reform of the capital market and the liberalization of the economy Monetary policy and the development of inflation in the future Appendix 1: Deriving Inflation Expectations from the Capital Market Appendix 2: Monetary Policy: The Government's Guidelines Appendix 3: Press Releases Regarding Monetary Policy Monthly Programs, July 1999- February 2000